TM Confine Space Medical Examination

Telekom Malaysa (TM) is a telco that is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable workplace. To achieve this, they are dedicated to working on health and safety. And one of the area of focus is working in high-risk environment such as working in manholes, working with heavy equipment, handling electric and electronic equipment, working at height such as on towers, roofs and elevated surfaces, and many others. Working is such environment requires a high standard and specific health assessment to ensure the safety of the workers is well taken care.

Industry Code of Practice (ICOP) for Safe Working in a Confined Space 2010 is a strict standard enforced by the Department of Occupational, Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia. It provides guidelines for the safety and health of all persons who need to enter or work in confined spaces. Its purpose is to prevent exposure to hazards when working in a confined space. It requires the personnel who work in such conditions be certified physically and mentally fit by occupational health doctors. TM has introduced a Confined Space Medical Examination (CSME) to comply with ICOP. As of November 2013, more than 1,400 Regional Network Operations and Network Development employees have participated in the program.

At Klinik Bukit Serdang, we are specialized in providing Occupational Health services. Apart from having the best doctor, caring nurses and the best facility, more importantly we understand the requirements by TM outline in their CSME, to ensure the examination is conducted thoroughly to meet the health dan safety standard.

To learn more about this service, feel free to contact us at Klinik Bukit Serdang for additional inquiries and clarification.

TM Confine Space Medical


RM190/30 minutes
Physical Examination
Full Blood Count
Fasting Blood Sugar
Urine FEME
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